Pattie Chalmers

Jennifer Allen

Israel Davis

Jr. Kane

Nicholas Bivins
Wanted to post a quick follow up with highlights from Interpreting the Cup at Crimson Laurel Gallery. Pattie Chalmer's Practicing Tea with the Queen was one of my favorite interpretations of the theme. Her Queen Elizabeth look-a-like seems quite content to have her fantasy high tea with the queen's picture. After seeing this show I wish it could have been held at NCECA. This would be a great teaching tool for students who are learning to create diversity around a central theme.
For more work by these artists check out their websites.
Pattie Chalmers www.pattiechalmers.com
Jennifer Allen www.jenallenceramics.com
Israel Davis israeldavis.com
Nicholas Bivins www.nicholasbivins.com
Cups and saucers were my contribution to the show. I've been working on patterns that are as pleasing to touch as they are to look at.

Cups and saucers were my contribution to the show. I've been working on patterns that are as pleasing to touch as they are to look at.

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