I'm still full from Thanksgiving. I had actual turkey this year courtesy of Bubba's in Pudong. Thats right I did say Bubba's. Texas style BBQ has a surprising foot hold in Shanghai. Full size ovens are rare so most Americans have their turkeys cooked by a restaurant. It was delicious and we thankfully had enough for turkey sandwiches the day after. We had a pot luck complete with stuffing, sweet potatoes and an apple crisp.
The meal pictured above was not actually from Thanksgiving but I had to grab my camera to capture the colors. Cherry tomatoes are always good for a picture. This lunch feast was faithfully prepared by our PWS Ayi. Her mushrooms with cilantro where a nice compliment to the salty taste of the fried chicken. One major perk of my job is that we have a home cook meal everyday at noon. Makes the company feel more like a family.

In the studio I have been working on oval plates and platters. The large rimmed platters are about 12 inches long and are designed for fish or meat. They are based on woven wicker bread baskets. I've been slip trailing the exterior shape to loosen up the edges. The smaller oval plate is sandwich sized with a slight curve to hold the food from rolling out when you carry it. I look forward to getting these glazed and fired in the next few weeks.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I'll be doing my Thanksgiving give away drawing December 1st. If you would like to participate in the chance to win a tumbler check out my last post by clicking here. Have a good week.