The last few weeks have provided much to celebrate. I turned 32, the blog turns 3 (as it passes 20,000 hits), and this week marks 2 years since my move to China. Seems like the perfect time to show my gratitude by giving away a cup. To be eligible you simply have to be on my mailing list. If you have not already signed up you can by clicking here and filling out the form. I'll draw a name and post the winner later in the week.
In other news I just returned from my trip to Australia. I was sad to leave the blue skies and new friends that I made. In only five weeks the country made an impression that won't soon fade away. I have many blog posts about the trip in the works but they will have to wait until next week. This week I am catching up on piles of unfinished business before I take a group of my students to Jingdezhen for the weekend. I am excited to turn people on to this wonderful clay city for the first time.
great shots of the cup hope to see some work from Australia.