This week on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with potter Sam Taylor. Working in Western Massachuetts since the early 1990's his Dog Bar studio is nestled between the Connecticut River Valley and the hills of the Berkshire mountains. Influenced by the pottery of Michael Simon, and other American Mingei potters, Taylor has developed a keen eye for dividing decorative space on his wood fired forms. Leaning on a graphic sensibility he uses high contrast slips and brush work to enliven his functional forms. In the interview we talk about being influenced by artistic peers and balancing creative expression with the need for financial stability. For more information on Sam please visit www.dogbarpottery.com.
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"The Dog Bar Pottery is named for the Dog Bar Breakwater in Gloucester Massachusetts. The Dog Bar is a great place. Sticking out into the ocean for more then a quarter mile and paved with gigantic granite paving stones, the Dog Bar offers some measure of protection to Gloucester and the Harbor that lies within from the temperamental waters of the Atlantic. A prime time to check it out is at night when the moon is full and Dog Boys from near and far gather there to howl at the moon and exchange dog tales."
Excerpted from www.dogbarpottery.com.
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