
Kline, Carpenter, and Philbeck talk about making a living as a potter on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast

Michael Kline

Kyle Carpenter

Ron Philbeck

This week on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I am featuring a panel discussion with Michael Kline, Kyle Carpenter, and Ron Philbeck on the nuts and bolts of making a living as a potter. The conversation covers a wide variety of topics including building an audience, saving for retirement, and dealing with health insurance. 

Michael Kline maintains a studio in Bakersville, NC. Along with making pottery he teaches workshops and maintains the popular ceramics blog www.sawdustanddirt.com. For more information about his work please visit www.klinepottery.com. Kyle Carpenter lives in Asheville, NC where he runs a studio in the historic river arts district. For more information about his work please visit www.carpenterpottery.com. Ron Philbeck operates a studio in Shelby, NC. For more information on his work please visit www.ronphilbeckpottery.com. All three of the panelists are active on Facebook, Instagram, and other forms of social media. 


  1. Thanks, Ben! You are great at this podcast thing.

  2. This was great! Interesting, informative, prompted a bunch of good questions for me, things I'm still thinking about several days later. I just wished it had gone on another hour or two. Great work, and thanks!
