
Garth Johnson's Extreme Craft & Magic Jing Bling

I just discovered that I never posted these images of the electroplated wonderfulness from Jingdezhen. The image above is one of Garth Johnson's teapots. Although this process is a family secret of one of Jingdezhen's local studios, Garth explained that the process is most likely electroplating of some type. You can take any object that is nonporous and have it covered with a completely even coat of gold or silver. When I saw the shiny pots peaking out from below the cloth I wanted to hold them like Golem holding the ring. Its Jingdezhen's version of bling.

If your not familiar with Garth's work you can check it out here. In Jingdezhen he was using western images to tell Chinese allegories. I enjoyed spending time with he and his wife Claire while they were working in the studio and visiting China. He also writes a fantastic blog called Extreme Craft. Check it out here. Its a must read for any craft fan. He has the best slogan for any website " A compendium of art masquerading as craft, craft masquerading as art & craft extending its middle finger."

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